Our products were created to elevate the little boys typical everyday go to t-shirt. By creating designs with a new fun and unique style to fit the more trendy looks of everyday causal wear. While providing moms out there with a new variety of apparel to fit the young boys style. That we hope offer a more appealing look than your typical boy clothes found at your everyday department stores.

We truly hope you enjoy our products and experience while shopping with us. Our goal is to keep our customers pleased and offer a variety of options to fit multiple style wants and needs. We greatly appreciate all of our customers for showing support to our newly owned small business by shopping with us.

Established 2024, by Ashley Smith, owner and creator of RIGID EDGE. Created  with the inspiration from personal experience of looking for style options to fit my little man, Blake. Owner Ashley, also has a teenage daughter Alexa, and husband Jason who are supporting her through this new journey and business adventure.